Pricing & Tickets

Please Select The Correct Ticket Type For You

All bookings are checked manually. Vendors who book tickets for Operators will have their tickets cancelled, and will not be able to attend the event

Early bird discount expires on September 27th.


Main Conference

Qualified operators only

  • 2 Day Pass to main conference
  • Evening Drinks Reception
  • All meals and refreshments during conference included
  • Access to speaker presentations post event

Solution Providers

Main Conference

Solution providers and anyone who does not meet our operators criteria

  • Main Conference 2 Days
  • Access to Executive Looking To buy your Solutions
  • All Meals and Refreshments during Conference are Included
  • Access to Speaker Presentation post events

How To Book Your Place:

Booking your place at iGX is quick, simple, and secure. Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer or invoice.

Conference price subject to 20% UK VAT

*If payment of a booking is not received at the point of registration the booking will be subject to a processing fee of £49 plus VAT

All discounts are taken off the full conference price. No two discounts or offers can be combined.

You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here.

Our Sponsors: